Why Carry A Flashlight?

I consider a flashlight a necessary tool so I always carry a flashlight on my belt,  you just never know when it might come in handy.  There always seems to be situations where they might be used: hearing strange noises, light bulbs burning out or some such thing that makes me pull it off my belt.  If you can relate to this, you too may have an interest in a flashlight.  Here are a few things you might need to consider.

Types Of Flashlights

What are the basic types of flashlights for you to consider:

  1. Keychain – A keychain flashlight is usually 3″ or less in length, their small size makes it easy to place them in your pocket, purse or backpack.  Many attach them to their keychains so they are ready at a moments notice. While they are very handy, the amount of light produced is minimal. They are intended for use as a backup or emergency form of light, not your primary source of light.
  2. Utility – The utility light is what most households have in their drawers or cabinet as a general flashlight.  While it works in a pinch it is not considered a serious form of flashlight. It’s usually a lightweight, plastic flashlight that gets the job done but not much more.  They are inexpensive and may not last over a few years.
  3. Tactical – A tactical flashlight is usually used in military or law enforcement applications during low-light conditions.  They are usually made of aluminum or high-grade plastics and emit a higher degree of light than most other lights.  Sometimes they are attached to firearms or in conjunction with a firearm to use in low-light conditions.  They are generally 3”–7” in length and are meant to be carried on your person as a self-defense tool.
  4. Heavy-Duty or Industrial – These are usually made of aluminum and can be rather large and heavy.  They are the typical Maglite style flashlights that might be in some people’s homes or work situations.  They are usually too big to fit in your pocket, they are generally 5”–14” so they are placed in tool boxes or trunks for easy access.
  5. Emergency – An emergency flashlight is not dependent upon batteries, they are either hand-cranked or solar powered flashlights.  These are really special types of lights reserved for emergency kits.

When To Use a Flashlight

The primary purpose of a flashlight is to provide you with light in dark places.  The flashlight used to be just a basic light source that served only one purpose, now with their long-lasting, high-output LED light bulbs, flashlights cannot only light your way but do even more.  But with the advancement of technology in the design of flashlights, other uses came about.

The newer tactical-style flashlights are smaller, more rugged, and have a waterproof aluminum construction, they are very bright, and have high-capacity rechargeable battery.  Advances in flashlight technology have changed a flashlight into a valuable tool and for this reason, they are recommended for everyday carry (EDC). While most people have a flashlight on their smartphone these days, they are not very bright and you would not want to risk draining your phone battery just to use the light, thus not having a cell phone when you need one.  

Uses Of Flashlights

Used for ActivitiesRegardless of the activity, those of us who’ve tried running, hiking, walking, etc in the outdoors know and understand that low-light situations make it difficult to continue your activity without some type of flashlight. These situations seem to occur either in the early morning or late in the evening hours. Not only do we need to see, but we also need to be seen by motorists and other passersby. Theses flashlights for the active people are all relatively lightweight and therefore comfortable enough to wear while doing whatever you do.

Used Around the HouseFlashlights used around the house have a different set of standards than those for other needs. These particular flashlights typically have a stand or a base in which they may be housed for quick-and-easy retrieval.  With an around-the-house flashlight, you can easily locate and retrieve that lost item quickly and easily, before you forget its whereabouts entirely. Flashlights used for around the house are also handy for everyday activities, such as evening walks with the dog or when your parents come to visit. These portable lights are typically handheld, have a moderate-to-low output, and are rechargeable.

Used in Work SituationsWork flashlights are typically heavy-duty flashlights with long-lasting light sources that are rechargeable. Many times they may have special adaptive accessories to help with the specific jobs that they do. Mechanics lights may have magnetic bases to attach to the hood of a vehicle or Home inspectors, on the other hand, require handheld flashlights that are durable and tough yet cast a wide beam.

Good Self-Defense ToolA good tactical flashlight is a good choice as your self-defense weapon. The extremely powerful light not only brightens up your path but will immediately cause most people to stop and cover their eyes when shined directly at a person. Additionally, many tactical lights have a strobe feature which can be even more disorienting to an attacker. If you might have to fight, it is much easier to fight someone if they can’t see you or you can use it as a striking weapon with the sharp bezeled edges and the rugged aluminum construction.

Final Thoughts About Flashlights

Now that we talked about types and uses of flashlights, it is time for you to think about whether you need to carry a flashlight or not.  How many times have you pulled out your phone because you needed a light for something?  And how many times have you drained your phone battery trying to get something done?  There is a simple solution, get a small flashlight and save your cell phone battery.  You will not regret it!

If you are interested in seeing some flashlights that you might choose from, 

Go to EDC Flashlights

If you have any questions about this post or anything related to Everyday Carry (EDC), feel free to leave a comment below and I will be happy to get back to you.

All the best,


Founder of EDC Essentials


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