Outside The Waistband (OWB) Holsters Are Becoming More Popular

There are many types of holsters being produced these days for concealed carry. Inside the waistband (IWB), shoulder holster and outside the waistband (OWB) holsters, to name a few.  For many years OWB holsters has been limited to open carry but things are beginning to change.  

What Is Open Carry?

Open carry is the practice of carrying a firearm in public so that it is visible. It is usually carried in some type holster that is fastened to your belt.

What are the open carry laws:
  • ColoradoOpen carry is legal for people who are at least 18 years old and can legally possess a firearm, except in Denver county and other posted areas. 
  • CaliforniaOpen carry of handguns is prohibited. 
  • ConnecticutOpen carry of handguns is prohibited, effective October 1, 2023. 
  • District of ColumbiaOpen carry of handguns is prohibited. 
  • FloridaOpen carry of handguns is prohibited. 
  • IllinoisOpen carry of handguns is prohibited. 
  • New JerseyOpen carry of handguns is prohibited. 
  • New YorkOpen carry of handguns is prohibited. 

What Is Concealed Carry?

Concealed carry is where the firearm is carried in a concealed carry holster and hidden by clothing.
What are some concealed carry laws:
  • Concealed carry is permitted in all 50 states. 
  • Many states require a permit to carry a loaded, concealed handgun in public. 
  • In Colorado, a resident can only carry concealed in the state using a Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit (CHP). 

What About A Gun Belt?

There are many types of gun belts out there that will work great with your handguns. A normal belt that you buy at Walmart or Target will not give you enough support to wear on a daily basis.  A handgun needs a certain amount of support when carrying it all day on your belt. There are gun belts out there that are made of leather and also many special fabrics that are very firm and secure and will go with any wardrobe that you have.  But you need to consider this option very carefully.  If you ignore this choice and try a normal belt with your handgun, you will be very disappointed and probably not enjoy your experience.

So What About OWB Holsters?

Since Concealed Carry is becoming more and more popular, many people are challenging the typical boundaries of concealed carry and the typical inside the waistband holster (IWB) that has been worn for so long is being challenged. IWB holsters are just not the most comfortable holsters to wear even though they are very comfortable.  Many gun holster manufacturers are beginning to look at OWB holsters as potential concealed carry holsters and are making them tighter to your hip and therefore more concealable.

There is not a more comfortable holster out there than a good OWB holster and now that they are making them fit your belt closer, many people are considering using an OWB holster for concealed carry.

What Do You Need To Make An OWB Holster A Concealed Carry Holster?

OWB holsters work great for open carry and with a couple minor adjustments to your wardrobe it will turn it into a concealed carry option.  All you need to do is wear a firm belt that is designed to hold a handgun and a good cover garment and you are all set for concealed carry.  There are many gun belt makers these days, just check the Internet and you will be amazed at how many there are. But it is really important to wear a belt that can stand the weight of a firearm.

Any type of garment that covers the OWB holster from view will work for concealed carry, a coat or jacket, sport coat, vest, untucked shirt, Baggy sweatshirt is all that you need to turn things into concealed carry. Keep in mind that you will need to keep that outer garment on, whether you are inside or outside so it is important to consider your options.

My advice is to wear a light vest or untucked shirt as your inner garment and then put a jacket or coat over the top.  That way when you come inside you can take the heavier garment off and leave the lighter garments on to cover your handgun.  But you must realize that your cover garment must be long enough to cover the barrel of your handgun, even if you are reaching up to grab something high-up.  As you reeach up your outer garment is pulled up higher and can expose the bottom of your holster. So you must keep that in mind when you are choosing the clothes that you wear when you are wearing a handgun. 

What OWB Holster Do I Wear?

Those of you that are familiar with my website should already know the answer to this question. My favorite OWB holster is the Belt Aholster made by the Aholster Company, in Telford, Tennessee, Alan does an excellent job and I really like his holsters. These holsters are made from Kydex and that is my favorite holster material.

Kydex is an extremely durable acrylic/PVC alloy, created and distributed from the Kleerdex Corporation.  Kydex is extruded in a wide range of colors, patterns, textures, thickness, and grades to optimize long-term performance, appearance, and cost-effectiveness. No other thermoplastic stands up to impact, scratches, and gouging like Kydex. It offers notched Izod Impact resistance to 18 ft. lbs./in. (953 J/m) and is able to withstand various levels of abuse. Due to its high degree of toughness and resilience, Kydex can also be stretched at room temperature to twice its original dimension without breaking.

The material strength of Kydex allows for greater strength with a fraction of the thickness associated with leather concealment holsters. A thinner holster significantly decreases printing.

Your holster will fit the same every time.  Whether it is your first draw or your 1000th draw.  This means that there are few; if any, adjustments needed to start carrying your holster and firearm.

Kydex holsters can be worn in the rain and do not swell or contract due to sweat, humidity, or extreme weather.  In fact, Kydex will help keep the moisture produced by sweating from coming into contact with your firearm because Kydex will not absorb moisture, unlike most conventional holsters.

I like the way these holsters fit your body CLOSE, which makes them a better choice for concealed carry. You can see the way they are shaped that they will attach very close to your body. They snap right on your belt with two rubber straps which holds the holster and gun very securely. And you can also remove this setup quickly and easily when you need to. All you need to do is add a good cover garment and you are all set for concealed carry.  

Final Comments

OWB holsters are a very versatile and they are also very comfortable to wear.  As stated earlier, many people wear these as open carry holsters and they are excellent for this style of carry.  But people are beginning to also wear these OWB holsters for concealed carry as well.  Holster manufacturers are making OWB holsters fit very close to the body therefore they can be worn as concealed carry holsters and with the right gun belt and cover garment, concealed carry works great.  My only style of concealed carry has been IWB holsters for many many years but lately I have even crossed the line to OWB holsters.  They are extremely comfortable and with the right gun belt you do not even know you are carrying a handgun. So if you are new to concealed carry or just looking for a different way to carry your handgun, 

If you have any questions about this post or anything related to Everyday Carry (EDC), feel free to leave a comment below and I will be happy to get back to you.

All the best,


Founder of EDC Essentials


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