What Happened To www.edc-essentials.com

With all the changes during and after COVID there seemed to be a turning point on this website,  I began to lose interest in it and my desire to write became less and less.  So I just stopped writing!

During COVID-19

Prior to COVID, my website was very important to me, I usually worked on it each day, in one form or another.  I enjoyed writing article about EDC and Concealed Carry and product reviews about various products in the EDC lines. I always seemed to make time for these articles and reviews and enjoyed doing it.  For those of you that have never Blogged, it takes a lot of time to put these articles together.  Research is necessary to get the facts, opinions and point of view necessary to write the information down in a manner that is worth reading.

As the time went on things began to get a little more difficult to write, with all of the changes to our lifestyles and new requirements and procedures, my spare time began to get filled up with other things.

After COVID, During 2021

Beginning in 2021 my job workload took a different turn and it consumed most all my time.  So therefore I did not write anything after March 2021.  That felt a little weird but when my time schedule totally changes and I had no more time to write articles, what was once enjoyable becomes a complete burden and a pain in the rear to do.  

I never had  time to think about my website, let alone write anything at all.  It began to make me think, it is worth having a website that you never have time to write anything?  Would my followers continue to visit my website without any new material?

As the months went by, I continued to fail to ad content and totally lost interest in this website.  The phrase “Out of sight, out of mind” is really true.  So in December 2021 my domain name was up for renewal and I decided not to renew it.  On December 13, 2021 I decided to cancel this website and go a different direction.

After My Website Was Canceled

At first, things seemed great!  No pressure, no deadlines, no research to do, no late hours writing, no writer’s block and then taking some time to get my heat in the right place, just go on with my life, do my normal job, take care of our family farm, play with our new grandson and forget about writing for my website.  I had enough other things in my life to focus on.  Right?

I was enjoying my new added freedom, I was able to focus on the other aspects of my life and  enjoy my life a little more.  I cut down some responsibilities that I had and made my life a little simpler.  Things seemed to be going well and more fun, Yahoo Right? 

The Truth Finally Hit Me

That mentality worked for a couple of weeks, until right after Christmas time, to be exact, I began to feel a void in my life.  As the end of December came around that void began to get bigger.  By January this void had not changed and I knew just what it was, I missed my website. But what could I do?  My website domain was gone and my website was taken down from the Internet. The only good thing was I still had my hosting contract with Hostinger so I had a place for a website I just needed to get a new domain.

The next thing I needed to do was to see if my old website address was available yet and it was not.  When someone does not renew a domain they must keep it idle for a certain time period.  So I had to find a new domain that would work for me and also make it very similar so I would not have to change a lot on my website.

Everyday Carry Essentials is back

It took a few attempts to get something that would work and I was happy about that.  Instead of EDC Essentials, it is now Everyday Carry Essentials (www.everydaycarry-essentials.com)  Some people were not sure what EDC stood for so spelling it out works better

On the Internet, EDC stood for: Electric Daisy Carnival, Education Development Center, Electronic Data Capture and Economic Development Corporation, just to name a few so not using the acronym is better.

So with a few small changes I am back in business, and that is exciting.  My website is up and running, with everything that I had before.  I may not write as many articles as I did before but new content will be added on a regular basis.  My content may be a little broader but it will appeal to to more people.  Thanks for following me and I look forward to writing again on a regular basis.

If you have any questions about this post or anything related to Everyday Carry (EDC), feel free to leave a comment below and I will be happy to get back to you.

All the best,


Founder of EDC Essentials


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