Is Concealed Carry Necessary For Everyday Carry

Last week I had a comment from a good friend of mind about this website and I thought I might share it with you, he said, “Cool Website Larry, I never thought of carrying! I’m just not a gun person, but keep up the good work.” This got me thinking, if he had that opinion, then there are many others out there that feel the same way, and the funny thing is I completely understand this point of view. I have said in previous posts that concealed carry is not for everyone and that is not my main focus in the website. If you carry concealed then having your handgun is part of your EDC, but if you do not carry a concealed handgun then it will not be part of your EDC. But either way, this website can be valuable to you.

Everyday Carry On The Internet

I am sure you know of other EDC websites (companies) on the internet that do not focus on concealed carry gear and that works very well for them. But I wanted to set this website apart from these other websites and establish my own niche. Carrying a handgun is very important to me and I am very passionate about it and it’s benefits so why not include it in my website. Is it required in your EDC – NO! There is some gear on our website that do focus on concealed carry but most items can work for either. An example would be the belts I recommend, they are stout enough to carry a handgun but they also work great as a normal belt.

Don’t Get Hung Up On Concealed Carry

As I said, concealed carry is not for everyone and thats a fact. But do not feel that EDC has to include concealed carry, because that is not true. Let’s try to start from the beginning, everyday carry (EDC) gear is what you carry with you on a daily basis. Empty your pockets and see what you have in them. These things are important to you, and you have a reason for carrying them. To some people it’s a cell phone and a wallet and a pocket knife, and for them that’s all they need. Others may want to carry more, so let’s explore that concept.

The Whole Definition Of EDC

When I think of EDC, it’s not just  is in my pocket or on my belt, I tend to use a broader definition.  As I have said before, I carry a pocket knife, cell phone, flashlight, wallet and keys on my person, but I also have an EDC backpack that goes with me everywhere, you might call it my “Man-purse”.  This has my emergency kits, another flashlight, a computer tablet, flashdrives, notebook, pens & pencils, compass, multitool, fixed-blade knife, extra keys, batteries (AA & AAA), calculator, fingernail clippers, bandaids, sterile wray, Ace bandage, just to name a few.  These are all things that might come handy to me, but I do not stop there.

My Car Carries a Few Things Too

My car has a few extra things that I keep there too, just in case, as it is usually with me everyday too.  I live in Colorado and a standing joke here is if you don’t like the weather right now then wait 15 minutes., in other words the weather here can change very rapidly and people need to be prepared.  So what else do I carry in my car?  Bottles of water in an insulated cooler, a Rubbermaid tub that containsa warm blanket, winter gloves, stocking cap, a sleeping bag and an insulated vest, call that my winter emergency kit and it always stays in my trunk.

Am I Over The Top or Not?

So you might say to me, I thinks you are over the top!  But if you have read my posts you know that I always believe in being prepared. Yes it is possible, but I do not think so.  How many of you have ever been caught in sub-zero weather without a pair of glove to keep your hands warm?  That can be a very painful experience, one you may remember next time.  If your car slides off the icy road in bad weather and you are stuck there for a long while, these things may come in handy.  So hopefully I have expanded your thoughts about EDC?  Maybe you might look at it a little differently.  Look at my website, read the posts, etc.  I bet you will like it.

If you have any questions about what I have said or didn’t say, or would like to leave a comment about something related to EDC, please do so below.



Founder of EDC Essentials


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