My Everyday Carry Items And Why I Carry Concealed

Everyday Carry (EDC) is a broad term that means many things to many people. I have been aware of my EDC for many years and it can change depending on what what I am doing. I have EDC that I carry on my person and then I have EDC that I carry with me on a day to day basis in my Maxpedition Kodiak Gearslinger pack. You may call it my “man-purse” but never the less it goes with me every day, all day, where ever I go. But for the sake of this article, let’s narrow it down to what I carry with me on my person. I will cover my pack in another post.

What Are My Essential EDC Items

What do I carry with me on a daily basis in my pants or attached to my pants. First I start with a good belt, I need one that is stiff enough to carry whatever I need to carry without being too heavy. The EDC gear that goes on my belt consists of my cell phone, an UltraFire CREE flashlight, Next is my key ring in my left front pocket, my Schrade folding pocket knife in my right front pocket and my Maxpedition Micro Wallet that goes in my right hip pocket. Lastly is my Glock 30 (.45 auto) handgun, and yes I have a concealed carry permit, but more on that later.

Why Do I Carry These Items?

My belt

The gear I mentioned is what I carry on my person and some may not agree with my choices, but it makes sense to me. That is the important thing, it needs to make sense to the person who is wearing them. The belt I wear these days is leather and I like them. I like the way they feel and smell as compared to the tactical-style belts. I am not talking- down the tactical-style just for me leather is the way to go. They should be two-ply and glued and stitched together or one thick piece of leather for added strength. The belt must hold the weight of everything placed on it and not sag or bend.

Cell Phone

A cell phone is pretty much normal these days, we all need them for work and our private lives. I use an iPhone and that works for me, but it may not suit you and your needs. My only comment about about cell phone is they need to be secure so that they will be there when you need it. I am not one to keep it in a pocket because in my opinion they can fall out easily. Whether it is in the case that they come with or one that is purchased, I feel this is the way to go so it will be there when it is needed.


I carry my flashlight on a daily basis too and some people as me why, is it really necessary? I live on a small farm and I am doing many things early in the morning or late in the evening, all of which is in the dark. Now I can go in the shop to grab my large flashlight to use or just pull my little flashlight out of my belt holder to get the job done in a hurry, you can chose what makes better sense to you.


Keyrings are a normal item, as everyone seems to have them. I keep my keys on a Colorado State University keyring (my employer and college) which also contains a short landyard that I made out of paracord. The paracord is a personal accent that is fun to make but also gives me a fast way to pull my keys out of my pocket if needed. Some people do not mind the jingle of keys in their pocket, others need a way to keep them quiet. I will address that in a future post.

Schrade 119

In my life a SHARP knife is a necessity! It is hard to believe how much you can use your knife on a daily basis. Sorry but “sharp” is a pet-peeve of mine, what good is having a dull knife! A dull knife that barely cuts anything is better let at home. I have had and used many folding knives throughout my life, some very expensive and others not so much. It always seems like I loose the expensive ones or someone borrows it and forgets to return it. So I now look for knives that are not that expensive but can definately do the job. I have really began to enjoy Schrade knives the last few years, they are nicely put together but do not break the bank. I carry the SCH109, nice wide blade, strongly built and keeps a good edge. More to come in this area too.


Next is my wallet, how many have you had in your lifetime? I used to want to carry everything in my wallet, so much that when I was driving I would have to remove it from my pocket and put it in my glove box, to avoid the sore hip. Then I began wanting to make a change, who needs all that stuff in your wallet? That’s where the “minimalist” thoughts came around. only keep what you absolutely need and get rid of the rest. Maxpedition has a great little wallet, it’s not the smallest around but it is a great step toward very small. It holds your drivers licence, health cards, and maybe 2-3 other cards, some money and a couple of other things and that’s it. It is so small I hardly know its there. Now its a breeze when I drive, I never have to remember where I put my wallet.

Glock 30

My final item is my Glock 30, some people will relate to this and others will not. If you want to get into the WHY do I carry a handgun, that will be addressed in the section below. I like the Glock 30 because it is very compact, accurate and always goes “bang” when I need it to. It may not be the lightest or thinnest handgun available, but it definately works for me. Since I carry a heavier handgun I realize the importance of using a good belt to carry my handgun and using a good holster to help conceal it is a necessity. In a later post I will discuss concealment holsters and why I use what I use.

Why Do I Carry A Handgun

Yes, my EDC gear does include a handgun, and in my opinion, an essential piece to include. I have had my concealed carry permit in Colorado for over 15 years so this has been a steady part of my EDC gear all the time.

  • It’s not just the fact that it is a constitutional right to carry a gun, but there is much more to it than that. Those of us that have gone through the concealed carry process realize we have gone through a required amount of training and also an FBI background check before we are allowed to have a concealed carry permit.
  • I feel it is very important to be able to protect myself, my loved ones and others around me if the need arises. Here in Colorado, it is an open carry state, so it is legal to wear a handgun outside your clothes and carry it in public. That being said, The location in which you are doing this dictates how accepted it is. During hunting season, in hunting areas it is tolerated quite well. Walking down main street of a large city (like Denver) might not be tolerated very well. Many people might sat isn’t it enough to carry openly, why do you need to carry concealed? The answer is No that is not enough! Personally I do not like carrying a handgun openly, it seems like most people feel very uneasy around someone that is carrying outside their clothing, like the “Old West” used to do. Plus if the situation comes up that you need to use your handgun, there is no element of surprise, everyone knows you have it.
  • But if you are wearing your handgun concealed, no one knows that that you are carrying one and if you had to use that firearm, you would surprise the “bad guy” and get the jump on the situation, thus helping to deter the situation.
  • Carrying a handgun helps you be more careful, more aware of the dangers around you and you practice more gun safety and self defense.
  • If you get you concealed carry permit then you should carry your firearm with you. Not leave it in your vehicle or keep it in your gun safe. It is better to have it with you and not need it then need it and not have it with you!

I believe it is important to utilize this right that we have but I also realize that it is not for everyone. I have been in some sketchy areas and situations and carrying a concealed handgun made these situations better.

Should EDC Include Concealed Carry

I hope my comments gave some insight on the question, Should a handgun be a part of your essential EDC gear? Not everyone agrees with that statement, but for me, the answer is yes. Each of you needs to ask yourself that question and be clear in your mind what that answer is. Why did I bring that up? Not every EDC Store contains or comments on concealed carry gear and that’s OK. But because I feel so strongly about concealed carry I will continue to provide good information, including concealed carry information in my website. I will not be selling firearms nor will I make reference to where to buy firearms. But I will provide you with good honest information about concealed products along with other EDC items to my readers and where they can be purchased.

If you have any questions about what I have said or would like to leave a comment, please leave it below.






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